Simon Tester FBDO

Dispensing Optician

Who am I:

I was born in Portsmouth and found my home in Plymouth after moving here to study at the University of Plymouth. I was lucky to meet my amazing wife here and have continued my passion for optics in Devon.

Why the world of optics:

I suppose optics found me! I started as a lab tech making specs as a 'Saturday boy'. I never planned a career in Optics but now, over 20 years later I find myself a qualified Dispensing Optician of nearly 15 years, and have worked in busy multiple practices, smaller independents and a university setting as part of the optometry course.

What I like best about Iconic:

Iconic Opticians has an amazing team. You are really able to focus on each patient as an individual allowing you to provide the best tailored eye care experience.

What catches my eye:

Nothing beats a good walk with my wife. That and a good book or painting miniature models.